Thursday, November 23, 2006


Prepare to face the gates of higher-thinking! Mighty columns stand at each side of these gates, columns of intricately carved quotations of inspiration, cheer, encouragement and honour, virtue and deep inner strength!

Great men through the ages whose words echo in the halls of academe', resonating with the Higher Will of a God whose supremacy and wonder, delight the creative minds of millions- with the pleasures of truth, intellectual and spiritual growth and a peaceful joy which rests the minds of all who seek to live at levels of higher thinking!

Prepare to move in directions conducive only to the sweetness of light, light that brings forth a fullfillment of dreams borne on the wings of hope and prayer!

Be encouraged... give thanks to Him in all His glory. Lift high His holy name.. praise Him!

Friday, November 03, 2006


That kind of lightning which I know as "INSPIRATION", that is! In fact, it strikes multiple times! And that's what I want! I like to know that I can call forth INSPIRATION by being charged with positive energy, and by resonating at high frequencies! Resonating at higher levels of elevated thinking!

Elevated thinking! Now there is a phrase that's eye-catching! And it can be new and ever-improved, by elevating our thinking, looking for ways to lift our thoughts- lifting them to levels of conduct most becoming, strictly by the virtue of focusing the mind and the attitude toward those ends!

Anyone can do this!

Elevate your thinking now! Tell yourself that it's what you want! Self-talk should be positive and all about chasing out the old self-talk... all that old stuff you used to think and resonate at! The negatives! The sarcasms! The bad moods! The bitter feelings!

Today, right now, it is time to elevate our minds to levels that have heretofore been unknown!

The sky is the limit.


Inspiration doesn't necessarily come when your sleeves are rolled up and you're working! I have read THAT quote... and it's a good quote... but, inspiration is also like lightning! When it strikes, it strikes suddenly and anywhere. Timing isn't in the equation. All the "ingredients" aren't necessarily figured into the scheme of things.

Inspiration comes whether expected or not. Sometimes when we are just quietly sitting, working at the keyboard, working on something involving the creative processes of the mind, and wishing inspiration would strike, it just doesn't. And at other times, when it's expected, it strikes and we're ready for it, ready to write it down- ready to run with it, ready to go, ready to preserve it on the pages of our mind, or on the web, or in a journal... or whatever the circumstances call for.

Our fingers may flash across the keyboard and everything falls into place- like Kevin Spacey's character suddenly coming to earth on a beam of light, at the train station, from K-PAX... isn't it sweet when things work out that way?

Yet, still, at other times, inspiration just strikes and flashes randomly, maybe repeatedly- like lightning sometimes does during an electrical storm. I love it when that happens! What writer or creative person doesn't?

Many times when we wish and want to feel the inspiration strike and STRIKE HARD, it just plain doesn't. It won't come near, won't touch you- wouldn't come near you with a ten-foot pole. Now THAT'S funky!

I am a writer, a blogger. I am an author, a poet, a journalist, a columnist, an editor, an essayist... this list could go on. I am a public speaker, an inspirational speaker, out to encourage others and wanting to change the world through doing so.

But, hey- you cannot change the person who is an avowed NEGATIVIST. A negativist is cynical, sarcastic, ungrateful, sometimes hateful, and often drenched in self-pity. Maybe, just maybe the negativist is such because this is how they wish to stand out in the crowd. They are proud of the label, and want to be seen and known as a narcisist, and what better way to let the world know, than to label self as such! "Hey, I'm a sarcastic person... hey, I am strangely aloof from the rest of you and wouldn't want to be known to have anything even remotely similar to a positive attitude slapped upon my identity! My identity is one that I am proud of, and I am proud to be just what I tell you I am! Negative. Sarcastic. Mean. Aloof. Unfeeling and uncaring."

Do I sound mean for writing about it? Maybe I do. Sorry. I am not known for being a mean person and all who know me, know this about me. I am one of the most loving and caring person's in the world.

But there are people who do not care if I love them or not- who do not care if anyone else loves them, either... at least, this is the impression they give. And it makes me sad, because I am a believer in hope and promise and all that is right and good, and I want to share my heart with absolutely everyone.

But many people are devoted to absolutely NOT BEING THIS WAY. Or is it that they are trying to send ME the message that they want nothing to do with me, want me to leave them alone and stay away from them? Maybe so.

I have a hard time doing that.

This blog has run amok from what I intended it to be.

But I have shared some real true feelings.

Some hearts are hard and cold.

Thank God for all the people who DO appreciate me and the lovingkindness I have to give and to share!