Friday, November 03, 2006


That kind of lightning which I know as "INSPIRATION", that is! In fact, it strikes multiple times! And that's what I want! I like to know that I can call forth INSPIRATION by being charged with positive energy, and by resonating at high frequencies! Resonating at higher levels of elevated thinking!

Elevated thinking! Now there is a phrase that's eye-catching! And it can be new and ever-improved, by elevating our thinking, looking for ways to lift our thoughts- lifting them to levels of conduct most becoming, strictly by the virtue of focusing the mind and the attitude toward those ends!

Anyone can do this!

Elevate your thinking now! Tell yourself that it's what you want! Self-talk should be positive and all about chasing out the old self-talk... all that old stuff you used to think and resonate at! The negatives! The sarcasms! The bad moods! The bitter feelings!

Today, right now, it is time to elevate our minds to levels that have heretofore been unknown!

The sky is the limit.


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